ACER Integration: Unpacking the Meaning
People often reach out and ask us, “what does ACER mean?”
The ACER Integration framework was created by Dr Rosalind Watts during her time working on the Imperial College London Psilocybin for Depression Trials.
The Importance of Psychedelic Integration
Psychedelic experiences can be profoundly transformative, offering glimpses into new perspectives, emotional depths, and expanded consciousness. However, the true power of these journeys lies not solely in the experience itself, but in the integration process that follows.
Love and Grief in the Shadow of Psychedelic Narcissism
Capitalist culture is based on, breeds, and rewards an individualistic, entitled and extractive orientation to life.
Psychedelic Integration: The Overlooked Cornerstone
Psychedelic experiences are gaining increasing attention for their potential therapeutic benefits. However, a crucial aspect often gets overlooked: psychedelic integration.